Project Outputs
BASE web application
The BASE web application will take advantage of the important results achieved by two funded European projects: the WHAAM and the PBS project
The BASE software will expand the functionalities included in the WHAAM application according to the theoretical and methodological constraints defined by the PBS project.
While the original WHAAM application was focused only on the functional assessment applied to problem behaviors of children with ADHD, the new BASE web application will include features useful for a larger field of intervention.
BASE PBS repository
The BASE repository will provide the Internet users with high quality contents about the application of PBS at school using the Information Communication Technologies.
Policy recommendations
Once the good practices and the data from schools has been gathered through the BASE application, the partnership will elaborate a document for policy makers.
Good practices collection
The good practices collection will have the aim to gather evidences and highlight experiences about the application of PBS strategies at school.
Evidence-based PBS dataset
The evidence-based PBS dataset is a collection of data about the application of the PBS approach in the schools involved in the project. The dataset will be composed by all the FBA and other measures collected through the BASE system during the project lifetime.